Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Blog: Help Save The Comfrey Project - Joanne Clement

Earlier today I was making these marvelous pompoms with the Comfrey Project group. None of us had attempted anything like this before so it was a fun challenge to help each other as loop by loop, we incrementally created (im)perfect woolly balls. One person would know how to make tiny ones with a fork, another would make giant ones by wrapping wool around their fingers and another would employ circular discs, still a kind of witchcraft to me. 

Whatever our method, we were agreed on one thing: our pompoms would all be pink and we would help each other to make them. There something incredibly binding and calming about craft, by instinct we step in to help, to pass scissors or give advice. This is the spirit of Comfrey Project. Everyone is welcome at our table, for tea and biscuits, for conversation and friendship. We come together to talk, to eat and make, well, anything! Writing poems, playing Scrabble, planting bulbs or reading - our hands and heads are always buzzing with ideas, enthusiasm and above all, the love to sustain and lift each other up. 

So it is with a very heavy heart, thinking of all the friendships I have made, to write that this amazing community resource, which supports refugees and asylum seekers in the North East is currently running on reduced hours and is now under threat of closure. 

Please, please donate whatever you can here:

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